students holding up awards
DWDW 2025 Total
A Message from Dr. Grunewald
edmond public schools community survey
board recognition recipients
Scholarship winners, 3 students and counselors at santa fe
board meeting recognitions
santa fe national merit 2024
Sanya fe band
edmond public schools
All EPS evening activites have been canceled for Monday, May 6th  The EPS Board Meeting will be reconvened Tuesday, May 7th, at 6pm
daybreak understanding your child's behavior
Edmond school board members & christy Flanigan
A message from Dr. Grunewald
moving EPS forward 2024 Bond Election February 13
Support person if the year
Congratulations to our site teachers of the year
EPS high school students who were honored at the Board of Education meeting on October 2nd. They were recognized for being named National Merit Semi-Finalists, Commended Scholars or National Recognition Program Scholars
high school event regulations all students must wear ID & lanyard, no bags permitted with exception of small clutch 4.5 x 6.5 in, medical, or diaper bags, no athletic equipment, elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by an adult, students from other high schools must be accompanied by an adult, stay in designated cheering sections
edmond teacher at supreme court