Counselors are available to all students and may provide assistance to you in making appropriate decisions. There is a Request Form which may be obtained from the office. The form should be filled out and given to a secretary. The counselor will send for you at an appropriate time.
Clubs and Activities
We have lots of cool stuff for students after school and during the school day. Grab a buddy and get active. Stay updated through SPO and their newsletter, email blasts from Mr. Inga and the district, and Sequoyah's social media pages.
Club/Activity: | Sponsor Name: | Sponsor Email: |
Academic Team | Beth Bryan | |
Extracurricular Drama Productions | Miriam Conrady | |
Show Choir | Dustin Boatright | |
Science Olympiad/Science Bowl | Beth Bryan |
Honor Society
Membership is awarded to 7th and 8th grade students whose grades are in the top 10% of their class. Grades are counted in all core classes as well as elective classes. This is figured across a yearly span beginning the spring semester of the previous year and concluding the fall semester of the current year. Induction is held during the spring semester.
Study Hall
Library: On most days, the library is available for students to access for study hall. Students must bring their own work and only general library supervision is provided. The library closes at 3:20 and students must have their own ride home. No tutoring is provided. Some days, the library is closed for meetings after school.
Team Study Hall: Team’s hold a study hall once per week on most weeks. Teachers assign this as an opportunity to re-take tests, do missing work, and contact is made with the parents when assigned. General assistance is provided but not one-on-one tutoring. Students must be assigned to attend. Students assigned are eligible for a late bus ride home. Teachers must put students’ names on the bus list.
Administrative Study Hall/Detention: This study hall is assigned by administrators only and is limited to ten students per day. This study hall is for students who are failing multiple classes. General assistance is provided but not one-on-one tutoring. Students must have already attended team study hall as an intervention. Students assigned are eligible for a late bus ride home.
Teacher Detention: Teachers can hold personal detentions. If they hold a detention until 4:20, then they may assign students to the late bus. If the detention is only held until 3:15 or 3:30, these students must have a ride at the end of the detention time.
Make-up Work
Students should plan on making up all class work and assignments missed during an absence. A student is given one day/evening for each day absent, plus one additional day/evening in order to make up missed assignments. We request that students be absent three days before a parent requests assignments from teachers through the office. Parents should pick up assignments from the main office 24 hours after they have been requested. On the first and second days of an absence, please check teacher Canvas pages to get assignments for the day.
Cougar Cafe
Cougar Cafe is a monthly event to reward students based on character and accomplishment of personal goals. Students on each team are selected by teachers. Selected students are treated to lunch by the principals and counselors.