Cheyenne Mustang Round-Up Newsletter-
3 days ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
We want our heroes to know we appreciate them! In honor of Patriots Day on 9/11, FCCLA is writing notes of thanks and support for our firefighters, police, and soldiers. All students and staff at Cheyenne can be a part of this very special community service project. Just write a note and address it "Dear Hero", write a few words of encouragement, and then sign it! You could also draw pictures. Give your notes and pictures to Mrs. Wildman in the FCS room 405. FCCLA will deliver them to our local heroes for you on September 10. See Mrs. Wildman for further information or supplies.
5 days ago, Talia Snellings
We want our heroes to know we appreciate them!  In honor of Patriots Day on 9/11, FCCLA is writing notes of thanks and support for our firefighters, police, and soldiers.  All students and staff at Cheyenne can be a part of this very special community service project.  Just write a note and address it "Dear Hero", write a few words of encouragement, and then sign it!  You could also draw pictures.  Give your notes and pictures to Mrs. Wildman in the FCS room 405.  FCCLA will deliver them to our local heroes for you on September 10.  See Mrs. Wildman for further information or supplies.
Cheyenne Students, please charge your Chromebooks to prepare for the math and reading universal screeners. See email for details
6 days ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
Bring $1 for popsicles on Wednesday
6 days ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
popsicle sales
Cheyenne Students, please charge your Chromebooks to prepare for the math and reading universal screeners. See email for details
7 days ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
Cheyenne Mustang Round-Up- Lots of Information for our families. Click here for the newsletter
10 days ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
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Help support the Cheyenne Middle School library by purchasing your required reading books from Best of Books. A portion of the proceeds goes to buying new books for the Cheyenne Media Center.
26 days ago, Julie Neff
9 book covers
Cheyenne Digital Schedule Release is at 5pm. Please read our newsletter for details.
26 days ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
Cheyenne Families- School Starts in two weeks. This newsletter has all the details to ensure you get your schedule Aug 7.
about 1 month ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
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Order your Cheyenne Gear Now. Last Day is July 31. Pickup at walkabout days.
about 1 month ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
tshirt short
Cheyenne Newletter- Don't forget to purchase your tshirts-
about 1 month ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
newsletter graphic
Please join us for garden cleanup day at Cheyenne!
about 1 month ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
garden cleanup dates
Mustang Round-Up Newsletter
about 1 month ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
mustang roundup
Cheyenne Families, Purchase School Supplies for 2024-25, and they will be waiting for you to pick up in August during Back-to-School Tour Dates. Order Securely Online Until Sunday, June 2nd Enter the school ID CHE215 (3 letters /3 numbers) Sales tax will be applied at checkout. 6th-$50 7th-$45 8th-$55 TI30XS Multiview Scientific Calc. (8th)-$32
4 months ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
EPI graphic for purchasing supplies
Click here for the current Mustang Round-Up
4 months ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
Cheyenne Click Here for our Mustang Round-Up Newsletter
4 months ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
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Cheyenne Families- Click the Link for our Cheyenne Newsletter
4 months ago, Michelle Grinsteiner
Tomorrow is the last day of State Testing! There is no Advisory.
4 months ago, Lori Steen
Schedule Change
Tomorrow is the writing test for our 8th graders! There is no Advisory tomorrow for all grades.
4 months ago, Lori Steen
State Testing
Click here to read the weekly news!
4 months ago, Michelle Grinsteiner