
Concurrent Enrollment

Frequently Asked Questions

This is not a comprehensive list of questions and answers. Please refer to your agreement form and your school’s website for additional information. Also, keep in mind that your grades from concurrent courses will be reflected both on your high school and college transcripts. A student’s college transcript is permanent. A student’s grades impact their high school and college grade point averages (GPA), future financial aid eligibility, admission to institutions of higher education, and eligibility to continue concurrent college enrollment. 

Steps for Enrollment

  1. Apply online to the college of your choice – Use a personal email address and make sure to review the admissions requirements for your college.

  2. Request that your transcript be sent to the college using Parchment. (If you are creating a parchment account for the first time, please use a personal email address. Do NOT use your ENHS student email address.)

  3. Submit ACT or SAT scores to your college if they are not included on your transcript.

  4. Read, sign and return your concurrent agreement form to your counselor along with your filled out Recommendation Form for your college (you will send the recommendation form to your college so keep a digital copy of both forms).

  5. Once admitted, follow  your college instructions to enroll – Most colleges start enrollment in May

  6. Return a copy of your concise college schedule to your North counselor no later than May 20th. 

Schedules will be changed upon receipt and review of your official schedule from your college. 

Forms You Need:

College Concurrent Links