Edmond North Class of 2025
Updates & reminders will be sent out by email from Edmond North High School and via Remind.
Please make sure that your email with the school is up-to-date. If you are not receiving emails, please check your spam folder. If they are not showing up in spam, please contact the counseling office.
REMIND 101: text @enhs2025 to 81010 or use the website (https://www.remind.com/join)
Contact information:
Senior class sponsor: Tammy Johnson (Tammy.Johnson@edmondschools.net)
contact with questions about Graduation and non-yearbook related items.
Yearbook sponsor: Hannah Casey (Hannah.Casey@edmondschools.net)
contact with questions concerning Senior Pictures, Senior Salutes, and Yearbook.
Senior Pictures for YEARBOOK photo only Contact Mrs. Casey with further questions.
Picture day for seniors who didn’t do pictures is Sept 5th.
Make-up picture day is October 11th.
Cap and Gown Presentation (October 8th at 10:00 am (advisory) and 1:30 pm)
Information to order caps and gowns will be presented.
Orders can be made online at www.jostens.com or by calling Josten’s at 1-800-567-8367.
Caps, gowns, and/or announcements will be delivered to the school for pick up in March (see dates below). All other items ordered will be mailed directly to the purchaser.
Orders can be made in person: October 15th from 9:30 am - 1 pm in the Husky foyer.
Need help purchasing a cap and gown? Please contact Ms. Johnson using the email information above. We can help, but you need to contact me or an administrator as soon as possible.
Everyone planning to walk across the stage at graduation needs a cap and gown!
Please order by November 30th!
Prices will go up beginning in December.
Delivery of Graduation Announcements/Caps/Gowns/Tassels (March 24 & 25 from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm)
Any balance due must be paid at this time. Orders must be picked up, as they will not be delivered to classrooms. Cash and credit cards are the only form of payment accepted at the time of delivery.
Some items will have been shipped directly to you.
Questions about an order can be answered by Josten’s at (405)607-4343.
Graduation Practice and Senior Picnic: TBD
Please make time to attend.
More details will be released in early April!
Class of 2025 Graduation: Friday, May 16th at 7:30 PM Edmond North Stadium
Seniors must be in the line-up area at least one hour before graduation starts.
Appropriate dress
Slacks and a collared shirt (tie optional), skirt/slacks and blouse, dresses are preferable.
Comfortable footwear as you will do a lot of walking over various surfaces
No flip flops permitted.
Cords, cowls and medallions worn with cap and gowns must have been pre-approved by administration. Graduates may only wear one approved cowl/collar.
No decorating of caps allowed.
If a graduate is wearing something not approved, they will be asked to remove it. If they put it back on, they may be removed from the line before walking across the stage.
Anyone not adhering to the above guidelines will not be allowed to walk across the stage!