Library Policies
Our media center is a vital part of our school. It holds approximately 12,000 volumes, as well as video equipment and curriculum materials. Sunset follows a 12 day rotation through all specials, so students visit the library every 12 days. They can request books between times through the Destiny library system.
In order that all students may have access to media center materials and share in the responsibility for those materials, the following guidelines will be followed:
Kindergarten – First Grade
Students may check out one book at a time.
Grades 2-5
Students may check out two books at a time. Before another book is checked out, at least one book must be returned.
Overdue Books
If your child has an overdue book, he/she will receive a notice from the media center that their book is due. A student who has an overdue book will not be able to check out materials until the book(s) is returned.
Lost/Damaged Books
Books belonging to the school that are lost or damaged shall be paid for by the student responsible. Replacement price is based on prices available from catalogue, order slips, or Books in Print. If a book is out of print, an average replacement price of $6.00 is charged for hardbacks, $1.50-3.50 for paperbacks. If a book is damaged, please do not attempt to mend the pages with tape or glue. The media center has special tapes and glues for mending books if the damage is not too extensive. If a book is damaged beyond repair, the student will be asked to replace the book or pay for it. The student will have the option of keeping the damaged book after it has been replaced or paid for.
Reserve Library Books
Students are allowed to request books be held for them or to request a book they wish to read. The requested book will be delivered to their classroom upon receipt of the book they would like to return in exchange.
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers play a vital role in the operation of the media center. The hours our volunteers work are 9:00-11:30 A.M. or 12:30-3:00 P.M., usually one day per week. Parents are needed to assist with checking books in and out to students, bulletin board displays, and with the annual Book Fair(s). Please contact the media specialist for further information.
Book Fair
This event is held annually. During the Book Fair, new books are available for purchase by students and patrons. Proceeds are used to purchase items for the media center and to help defray the cost of special activities with students.
The media center may be called directly at 726-3815.