Title I Information
Sunset Elementary is a School-wide Title I school. Schools qualify for Federal Title I funds based on the percentage of students who are on Free and Reduced Lunch. The benefits of the funds received at a School-wide Title I school are not targeted to specific students, but can rather be used with all students. The Title I program offers services to students needing extra academic support and enriches students with STEM activities. Title I also provides services for families to promote family engagement at Sunset!
How does my child benefit from Title I funds at Sunset Elementary?
Title I funds are used to purchase supplemental materials such as books, reading and math resources, STEM activities, technology, and more!
Title I funds are used for extra professional development for teachers including professional books, videos, and workshops & conferences!
Title I funds are used to fund parental involvement opportunities such as our Parent Academies. We are also able to purchase online math programs that can be used both at school and at home! Be sure to refer to Sunset’s calendar for all the upcoming event dates!
Family Guides
Please click the link below for the Oklahoma State Department Family Guides for Prekindergarten - 6th Grade
Click HERE for guides
Family - School Compacts
Please click the links below to view the family-school compacts for achievement.
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Please click the link here to view Sunset's Parent and Family Engagement policy.
English Learners and Title I Team: Ms. Nelson, Ms. Lickey, Ms. Jackson, Ms. Baldwin, Ms. Glut, and Ms. Ngoran