Before School:
Daycare and Bus Riders
Dropped off as usual at the rear of the building
All Car Riders
Will enter through the main front entrance. Please do not drop off student on the south side of the building.
May enter through the front or the South center door. The rear door will be locked at 8:45am. Please use the crosswalks at all times in the front and back.
After School:
Students will NOT be called out of class after 2:45 for pickup. We ask that if they need to be picked up for an appointment that they are picked up by 2:45.
Car Riders
You will receive a tag that is to be displayed in the front of the windshield. If you DO NOT have a school issued tag you will be REQUIRED to get out of line, park and come in and show ID. You will then be REQUIRED to get back in line and pick up your child through the car rider line. Students being picked up by car will be called by the teacher on duty to come outside to a specific color as indicated on the pillars. Staff will read car tag and indicate which color your child will come to, pull car to the indicated number on the pillar and wait for your child to safely load into your car.
Will be dismissed from the Southeast doors only. There will be people on duty to help students cross 9th street and/or Fretz Ave. Please do not list your child as a walker if they are going to walk to your car for pick up. The car line finishes quickly after the first week of school, usually within 15 mins. Please help us be good neighbors and not park on the streets for pickup.
Bus and Daycare
They will dismiss out the south doors and wait with duty teachers to be picked up.
Please call the office if there are ANY changes to your child’s transportation before 2:30. We ask that you follow these procedures to expedite the process for all students safely.