Superintendent Angela Grunewald Details 2022 Bond Proposals
Edmond voters overwhelmingly passed the 2022 Bond Issue that will fund school improvements and classroom additions as well as purchase land for new schools to meet the needs of the district.
Earmarked in the Bond Resolution is money to upgrade the infrastructures of several existing schools.
Proposition #1 – $117,000,000
School Equipment: Purchase fine arts and athletic equipment for secondary schools, library/media center books, software subscriptions, instructional equipment/materials, maintenance and school support vehicles, and child nutrition equipment. $13,500,000
Technology: Purchase and install computers, digital devices, software, wireless networking equipment, phone systems, and technology support services. $13,000,000
HVAC: Improve HVAC systems at Northern Hills Elementary, Sequoyah Middle School, Central Middle School, Memorial High School and Santa Fe High School. $10,000,000
Technology Building: Improve the district administrative facility located at 1001 W. Danforth to include but not be limited to the construction and equipping of a new technology building on the existing site $7,500,000
Roofing: Replace and repair roofing at Will Rogers, Angie Debo and Sunset Elementary schools and Santa Fe and North High Schools. $7,000,000
Land Purchase: Purchase land and possible land improvements for the purpose of constructing future schools $4,800,000
Lighting: Improve and upgrade existing fluorescent lights to LED lights district wide as needed and as funds allow $3,000,000
District Warehouse: Construct a new warehouse at the existing district maintenance facility $2,500,000
Parking Lots/Roads: Construct, resurface and/or modify existing parking lots and access roads at Santa Fe High School, Angie Debo Elementary, Central Middle School, Orvis Risner Elementary, Frontier Elementary, John Ross Elementary and Boulevard Academy. $2,000,000
East Transportation Facility: Construct and equip a new bus building, parking lot and access road $2,000,000
Water Fountains: Improve and upgrade existing water fountains to bottle filler/bubbler combo foundation district wide as needed as funds allow $1,500,000
Classroom Furniture: Provide for classroom furnishings district wide as needed and as funds allow $1,500,000
School Security: Improve and upgrade security as needed to include but not be limited to installations of video surveillance camera systems, electronic security and door control devices, fencing, badging and resistant glass film, student/staff photo ID badges and card reader systems, $800,000
Flooring: Improve and upgrade flooring district wide to include of remaining broadloom carpet.$500,000
Elementary Schools:
Elementary School Improvements: Improve and upgrade classrooms, corridors, restrooms, cabinets, doors and ceilings at the following elementary schools: Northern Hills, Sunset, Ida Freeman, Clyde Howell Early Childhood Center, Chisholm, Clegern, Angie Debo, Washington Irving, Charles Haskell, Will Rogers $8,300,000
Redbud Elementary: Construct classrooms $5,000,000
Scissortail Elementary: Construct classrooms $4,750,000
Middle Schools:
Heartland Middle School: Construct additional space in the existing cafeteria $4, 250,000
Sequoyah Middle School: Renovate and improve the exterior of the existing building and make improvements to the cafeteria and corridors $2,500,000
Summit Middle School: Renovate and improve existing cafeteria and practice gym $2,250,000
Cimarron Middle School: Renovate and improve existing classrooms, practice gym and office area $2,000,000
Cheyenne Middle School: Improve existing track, competition gym floor, restrooms and athletic locker rooms $1,500,000
Central Middle School: Renovate and improve existing tennis courts, track, gym bleachers and athletic locker rooms $1,500,000
High Schools:
Santa Fe High School: Construct a multi-classroom addition. $7,250,000
North High School: Construct additional space in the existing main cafeteria and renovate and upgrade classrooms and locker rooms as needed and as funds allow. $4,900,000
Memorial High School: Improve and renovate Freshman Academy and corridors in the main building as needed. $3,000,000
Boulevard Academy: Construct an enclosed corridor from the gym to the building. $200,000
Proposition #2 – $3,000,000
Transportation Vehicles: Purchase small and large buses and high capacity sport utility vehicles.$3,000,000
Tax Implications
The bond will not raise homeowner’s taxes. The district has planned this bond proposal to keep the millage level stable at between 24 and 25 mills.

Library Purchases

Curriculum Purchases

School Bus Purchases

Sequoyah Middle School Improvements

Santa Fe High School Classroom Addition

Santa Fe High School Cafeteria Improvements

Edmond North High School Cafeteria Improvements

Cimarron Middle School Improvements