Special Services
Mission Statement
We will provide a collaborative continuum of supports and services that meet the unique needs of every student to empower meaningful participation within the school and community. Special services is excited to align with the EPS core values of belonging, collaboration, hope, and integrity.

Is My Child Eligible?
Our Child Find information links will assist you in determining if your child is eligible for special education and related services.
Records Request
Records Requests may be faxed to 405-330-7388.
Notice of Records Request Destruction
Attention Parents/Guardians, Former Students, Eligible (Adult) Students:
The retention period for Special Education records that have been collected by Edmond Public Schools related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement or the provision of Special Services in the district is: cessation of services plus 5 years. Special Services end when the student no longer is eligible for services, graduates, completes his or her educational program, or moves from the district.
This notification is to inform parents/guardians and former students of EPS' intent to destroy the Special Services records of students who are no longer receiving Special Services as of the end of 2015-2016 school year or years prior. These records will be destroyed in accordance with state law unless the parent/guardian or eligible (adult) students notifies the school district otherwise.
All eligible children with disabilities beginning at age of 3, who are residents of the Edmond Public Schools District, have a right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) as mandated by the IDEA Act of 2004.
A variety of Services and Placement Settings are determined by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team with input from parents and if possible, the child. We sincerely desire to challenge each student based on their individual levels of functioning and performance to be successful at school, at home, and in their community

Parents' Rights
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides certain parental rights including consent, evaluation, and access to records. To learn more, click on Policies and Procedures For Special Education in Oklahoma.
For other inquiries, contact Special Services by calling 405-340-2215.
Records Requests may be faxed to 405-330-7388.