Teacher points to whiteboard in high school class


Instructional Vision

Teachers and leaders at EPS believe that preparing students to be college & career ready requires strategic learning experiences relative to content standards and post-secondary expectations that include the following:

  • Environments that inspire mutual respect among all learners

  • Optimism that equips learners with the tools and attitudes to approach problem-solving  with grit, perseverance, & confidence

  • Inquiry that builds on natural curiosity

  • Opportunities to merge content objectives with meaningful applications and processes

  • Robust student-centered activities, marked by collaborative conversations

  • Support that honors the natural disequilibrium between the struggle to learn and the celebration of mastery

  • Optimal levels of individual student growth, continuously monitored for understanding

  • Feedback combined with self-assessment that empowers students to set incremental goals toward long-term results

  • Effective communication that demonstrates acquired knowledge and skills

5 columns with choice, collaboration, inquiry, creativity, and reflection holding up roof of instructional vision


Teachers follow the state standards. The district’s curriculum department works closely with administrators and teachers to ensure that the content, depth, and rigor of the standards prepare students for college and career success.

To learn more about the standards click here

OSDE Family Guides:

The Oklahoma State Department of Education Family Guides are resources aligned with the Oklahoma Academic Standards and developed specifically for Oklahoma families to complement classroom learning. They illustrate what is expected of students at each grade level in different content areas along with activities families can do at home to further support children’s learning experiences. OSDE Family Guides

Report Cards

Report cards are available at Oklahoma School Report Cards Page

Under the federal, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Bill 3218, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) was required to develop a new school accountability system. The resulting accountability system is now a dashboard-based platform that provides a snapshot of multiple aspects of school and student performance.

The portal can be found here: Oklahoma Parent Portal

If you have not already set up an account, you will need your student’s 10-digit State ID (STN) number and date of birth. If you have last year’s OSTP results or your child’s report card which can be found in the parent portal on Infinite Campus, the 10-digit State ID (STN) can be found in either of these places.   It is labeled State ID