Below is a list of the activities you will need to complete to ensure that you have completed your ICAP graduation requirements.
All Edmond students have an account with OkCollegeStart that is automatically created. You do not need to create an account.
Follow these steps to login:
Go to your Google Grid (the 9 dots that you click on to find google docs, google drive, google sheets) and scroll down to the bottom to find the OkCollegeStart icon.
Click on the XAP-OkCollegeStart icon.
You are in!
Click on Edmond Public Schools ICAP.
Scroll down to your Required Activities.
Watch the accessing your ICAP video.
Complete your assessment: Career Clusters Survey
Complete your My Goals & Action Plans. If you missed making any goals your Freshman year, you will need to make an additional goal. This will total 2 career/future goals to be caught up.
Complete any Make-Up Missed Activities if you weren’t able to complete your ICAP activities last year.
Complete your Work-Based Learning Experience. You will need at minimum one submission for your high school career.
Once these activities are complete, your Edmond ICAP progress bar should be fully green and reflect all requirements for the year are met. If not, please contact your teacher or counselor for help.