Curriculum Staff

Anthony Rose headshot

Dr. Anthony Rose

Executive Director of Educational Services

Email Dr. Anthony Rose

jordan atcheson headshot

Jordan Atcheson

Secondary Early Career Coach

Email Jordan Atcheson

erica fain

Erica Fain

English Language Learners (ELL) Content Specialist 

Email Erica Fain

erica fain

Kiona Fowler

Secondary MTSS (RTI Academic & Behavior) Instructional Specialist

Email Kiona Fowler

taylor fischer headshot

Taylor Fischer

Elementary Early-Career Coach

Email Taylor Fischer

keely gilpin headshot

Keely Gilpin

College and Career Specialist

Email Keely Gilpin

elizabeth ging headshot

Elizabeth Ging

Early Childhood Instructional Facilitator

Email Elizabeth Ging

suzanne gonzalez headshot

Suzanne Gonzalez

Upper Elementary Facilitator / K-5 Social Studies

Email Suzanne Gonzalez

jenifer hanson headshot

Jenn Hanson

Elementary ELA Content Specialist

Email Jenn Hanson

kristi kargl headshot

Kristi Kargl

Educational Services Coordinator of Gifted/Talented and Testing

Email Kristi Kargl

keri knutson headshot

Keri Knutson

Elementary Early-Career Coach

Email Keri Knutson

kathryn lambert headshot

Kathryn Lambert

Student Support & Counseling Facilitator  

Email Kathryn Lambert

darcy mcmullen headshot

Darcy Mcmullen

Elementary Math Content Specialist

Email Darcy Mcmullen

ashley pettit headshot

Ashley Pettiet

Secondary Early-Career Coach

Email Ashley Pettiet

carina plett headshot

Carina Plett

World Language Content Specialist

Email Carina Plett

jackie rasnic headshot

Jackie Rasnic

Secondary ELA Content Specialist 

Email Jackie Rasnic

ashley rodriguez headshot

Ashley Rodriguez

Secondary Science Specialist

Email Ashley Rodriguez

elizabeth rogers

Elizabeth Rogers

Secondary Social Studies Specialist

Email Elizabeth Rogers

Kim hastings headshot

Johnna Schooley

Elementary Response to Intervention (RTI) Instructional Specialist

Email Johnna Schooley

beth sharp headshot

Beth Sharp

Secondary Early-Career Coach

Email Beth Sharp

shelby smittle headshot

Shelby Smittle

K-12 STEM Instructional Facilitator / Elementary Science

Email Shelby Smittle

 Tessa Tefertiller headshot

Tessa Tefertiller

Secondary Math Content Specialist

Email Tessa Tefertiller

natalie tracy headshot

Natalie Tracy

Elementary Early-Career Coach

Email Natalie Tracy

andrea wheeler headshot

Andrea Wheeler

Educational Services Coordinator of Title I

Email Andrea Wheeler