Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

What is an ICAP?

An Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP) is both a process and a personalized plan designed to help students engage in academic and career development activities. Mandated by state law, ICAP is required for all high school students to graduate. At Edmond Public Schools, we aim to ensure all students are prepared for success beyond high school, whether they pursue college, career, or other pathways. ICAP provides students with a roadmap to align their passions and interests with future opportunities.

ICAP Components:

  • Academic and Career Planning: Guiding students to align coursework with future goals.

  • Goal Setting: Helping students establish short- and long-term objectives.

  • College and Career Ready Assessments: Measuring readiness for post-secondary success.

  • Service Learning/Work-Based Learning: Encouraging real-world application of knowledge.

ICAP at Edmond Public Schools

The ICAP process is completed and monitored through the OkCollegeStart platform. This platform creates a seamless experience, allowing students to track their progress through middle and high school and maintain access even after graduation.

ICAP Overview by Grade Level:

  • Grades PK-5: Awareness – Career awareness activities introduce students to the concept of work and various professions.

  • Grade 6: Introduction – Students begin exploring careers and their own interests.

  • Grade 7: Exploration – Deeper engagement with career clusters and pathways.

  • Grade 8: Preparation – Students start aligning their academic choices with future goals.

  • Grades 9-12: Action – Students put their plans into action through coursework, work-based learning, and goal refinement.

Career Clusters

Career Clusters

What Are Career Clusters?
Career clusters are groups of related occupations and industries that share common skills and knowledge. Within clusters, specific pathways provide detailed guidance on the academic and technical skills needed for success.

The Role of Career Clusters in ICAP:
Career clusters help students connect their education to future opportunities, providing a structured way to explore and plan for careers. By aligning courses, activities, and goals with pathways, students create a personalized and purposeful educational experience that supports long-term success.

Resources for Parents and Students

Explore these resources to learn more about ICAP at Edmond Public Schools:

For additional information, please contact your child’s school counselor.