PreK-12 Science Curriculum
Grade Level | Course | Curriculum |
PreK | All subjects | Frog Street Press |
K-5 | Science | TWIG Science |
6-8 | Science | Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes (OK NGSS 3D 6-8) |
9-12 | Biology & IA Biology | Savvas Realize: Experience Biology |
Chemistry | Cengage/National Geographic: World of Chemistry | |
IA Chemistry | HMH - Science Dimensions: Chemistry | |
Physical Science | McGraw-Hill: Inspire Physical Science | |
Physics | Savvas Realize: Experience Physics | |
Environmental | Savvas Realize: Environmental Science - YourWorld Your Turn | |
Earth Science | Cengage/National Geographic: Earth & Space Science | |
Life Science | Discovery Education: Science Techbook + Experience | |
Astronomy | Pearson/Savvas: The Cosmic Perspective (1e) | |
Anatomy & Physiology | Pearson/Savvas: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (12e) | |
Forensic Science | Pearson: Forensic Science + MyLab Crime (4e) | |
AP Biology | McGraw-Hill: Biology, AP Edition (13e) | |
AP Chemistry | McGraw-Hill: Chemistry, The Molecular Nature of Matter & Change, AP Edition (8e) | |
AP Environmental | BFW: Environmental Science the the AP (3e) | |
AP Physics I & II | BFW: College Physics for the AP Physics I Course (1e) + AP Physics II Addendum Vernier: Pivot Interactives | |
AP Physics C | Pearson/Savvas: Physics for Scientists & Engineers - A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics (4e) | |
6-12 | 6-12 Science | Explore Learning: Gizmos (Science) |