Work-Based Learning Opportunities
What is Work-Based Learning (WBL)?
WBL is a partnership between education and business to create a skilled workforce for now and for the future. The skills needed in today’s business world are very diverse; it can be difficult to meet the demand with the traditional school-based model. In a WBL model, schools provide classroom theory and supportive technical training in a student’s chosen career plan and businesses provide students the opportunity to experience and master their skills in a live setting. There are many different types of WBL experiences from mentoring a student at school, to job shadowing, internships, or apprenticeships at the business. WBL experiences provided by business interaction creates a relevance to the technical training that is difficult to achieve in the classroom. WBL provides students critical insights to help them be successful whether they choose college or career.
Community Partnerships with Edmond Public Schools
School and Community partnerships are essential to providing opportunities to our future workforce. As part of our Edmond ICAP (Individual Career Academic Plan) for our students, we provide multiple opportunities each year for students to research their interests and talents; the next step is to provide opportunities for students to shadow or learn about a career in-person from our industry professionals. If you or your business is interested in partnering with Edmond Public Schools to provide Work-Based Learning Opportunities, please complete this form or use the link below for a printable flyer for your business.
Work-Based Learning Opportunities:
Job Shadowing
Work Study
Career Awareness and Exploration Opportunities:
Career Events (guest speakers, booths at a career fair, etc)
Links for more information about WBL and ICAP: