
Welcome to Scissortail Elementary. Home of the Flyers. At Scissortail, we foster a caring, respectful, and creative environment. Our goal is to nurture the social, emotional, and intellectual development of each student to maximize an effective and positive learning environment.
Our mission here at Scissortail is “Empowering learners who are respectful, resourceful and responsible”.
These expectations will be reinforced throughout our school every day. Our desire is for students to learn from their mistakes and learn to make positive choices.
Your active support and cooperation, combined with our best professional efforts, will ensure academic and social success for your child. Enjoy this school year with your child as you learn together in a shared partnership of cooperation, communication, and caring.
Scissortail Elementary is a Title One school site.
You may view the Scissortail School and Family compact by clicking, HERE.
For more information about Parent and Family engagement please click HERE.
Please reach out and communicate with us if you have a concern, suggestion, or idea.

The school houses administration, media center, cafeteria, and gym, with playgrounds for upper and lower grade levels. The school’s cafeteria has a stage for student performances with built-in risers. The school’s gym doubles as a storm shelter for the students. Grade level pods arrange classrooms around a group area to encourage interaction between students and teachers.