Mission and Creed
Mission: Empowering learners who are resourceful, responsible and respectful.
Vision: Showcasing character by creating a culture of well-being, belonging and high academic growth.
Core Values:
Belonging- Treating others with honor and dignity to build connections where all are welcomed, accepted and safe.
Integrity- Being truthful in what we say and do. Our actions match our beliefs of being honest and having strong life principles.
Growth- Striving to reach personal, social and academic goals.
Show self-control
Own your actions and words
Accept others
Ready to listen and learn

Scissortail Elementary School Creed: I am a Scissortail Flyer. My heart is open to receive and my mind is clear to achieve. I will embrace others and welcome them to our community. I am capable of learning and growing through perseverance. I am respectful, resourceful and responsible for my words and actions. Today I will soar!