core value award recipients

Cimarron Instructional Coach/Academic Interventionist Natalie Iver was nominated for COLLABORATION. Ms. Iver has done a tremendous job welcoming and leading the new Cimarron teachers. She was the driving force behind ensuring their first day got off to a great start with meaningful, need-to-know information that has helped make them successful. She also helps lead Cimarron’s mentor team for inductee teachers.

Chisholm Elementary Counselor Allie Nobles was nominated for BELONGING. Ms. Nobles spearheaded a random drawing of gift cards and duty coverage passes for staff members when they returned to school in August. She spends several weeks on this in the summer before staff members return on contract. The team at Chisholm love winning the gifts and are often talking about how much it helps our staff members feel like they belong to the school and with each other.