The Edmond Public Schools Board of Education approved Shelby Rigsby as the new John Ross principal at the March meeting. We're excited to have Mr. Rigsby leading the nighthawks! 🦅💚 #ShineYourLight
about 1 hour ago, Arin Smith
JOHN ROSS PRINCIPAL OHN ROSS Nighthawks Shelby Rigsby Mr. Rigsby has spent the past ten years in our district, currently serving as Interim Principal at John Ross Elementary. After beginning as a substitute teacher, Mr. Rigsby taught first and fifth grades before transitioning into administrative roles in our elementary schools. He was an Assistant Principal at Cross Timbers, Angie Debo, Will Rogers and John Ross. Mr. Rigsby has led the students and staff at John Ross for the past several months building on the team-driven, collaborative culture that has long been the heart of the school. Mr. Rigsby is very excited to lead the Nighthawks and continue the positive progress at John Ross!
Interns at Project SEARCH took advantage of the beautiful Spring weather we had last week and volunteered at the Zoo! They lent a helping hand with the horticulture department in the morning and enjoyed exploring the Zoo in the afternoon. Here's to more days like this! ☀️🦍 #ShineYourLight
about 21 hours ago, Arin Smith
2 students shoveling mulch at the zoo
group of volunteers and workers posing at the zoo
teacher taking a picture of her student at the zoo
student using a wheelbarrow with mulch
student shoveling mulch
students and teacher talking during a volunteer day
girl holding a yard care tool
group of volunteers and workers posing at the zoo
student and teacher laughing at the animals at the zoo
student shoveling mulch
Jason Hayes, principal of Santa Fe High School, has been named the 2025 Oklahoma High School Principal of the Year by the Oklahoma Association of Secondary School Principals (OASSP)! We were able to surprise him with this honor at the final Double Wolf Dare Week Assembly. We couldn't be more proud of Mr. Hayes! Well done! 👏✨ #ShineYourLight
3 days ago, Arin Smith
jason hayes standing with his award and his family
jason hayes standing with his award and his boss
jason hayes shaking a man's hand
man walking up to receive his award
man speaking at an assembly
2 people hugging
The numbers are in... the Santa Fe Wolves raised 2️⃣3️⃣3️⃣,2️⃣2️⃣9️⃣ during Double Wolf Dare Week! 🐺 All money raised will go directly to Keaton's Kindness Foundation. More specifically, the money will go toward a care room at Oklahoma Children's Hospital that will impact children for generations. Way to go, Santa Fe, for all of your hard work this week, it has absolutely paid off! 👏 #ShineYourLight
4 days ago, Arin Smith
students unveiling the total amount raised during a fundraising week
girls hugging
students shining their flashlights at an assembly
woman speaking
girl listening to an assembly speaker
2 girls looking at a camera and laughing
students walking holding giant checks
girls lined up waving
2 boys shaking hands
teacher talking at an assembly
Introducing....🥁🥁🥁 Our Rookie of the Year! Please help us congratulate Megan Knight, special education teacher at West Field, for being named the 2025 Rookie Teacher of the Year! 👏🟣✴️ #ShineYourLight
4 days ago, Arin Smith
rookie teacher of the year megan knight
rookie teacher of the year megan knight
rookie teacher of the year megan knight
rookie teacher of the year megan knight
rookie teacher of the year megan knight
rookie teacher of the year megan knight
✴️🚌 Shining a Light on Transportation! EPS is fortunate to have many outstanding bus drivers, and today, we’re highlighting one who goes above and beyond for her riders—Dayna Wagester! Here’s what students on Ms. Wagester’s route had to say: 💬 “She always says hi and bye to the bus riders and greets them. She’s always talking to us. She’s very respectable.” 💬 “I have a smooth ride and always get to talk to my friends. My bus driver always greets me!” Kenny Chamlee, Director of Transportation, shared: 💬 “Dayna is exactly what you would want for a bus driver. She greets students by name every morning and creates a safe and caring environment for all! We couldn’t ask for more from a driver.” We have the best bus drivers. 🌟 Drop a comment to show your appreciation for Ms. Wagester and all of her hard work! #ShineYourLight
6 days ago, Arin Smith
Double Wolf Dare Week at Santa Fe is here! Students are hard at work raising money for Keaton's Kindness Foundation. Today's Hall of Fame Assembly was a hit! Come back on Friday for the total amount raised to be revealed! 🐺💸 #ShineYourLight
7 days ago, Arin Smith
2 students hosting an activity during an assembly
students performing during an assembly
high school gym decorated for a fundraiser week
student running up on stage
teachers judging a competition during an assembly
2 students on stage during an assembly
student walking up on stage during an assembly
students shining their phone flashlights during a performance
EPS is hiring and we want YOU! 📣 Take the next step in your teaching career at our upcoming Teacher Job Fair! Meet with administrators from all EPS schools and discover where you belong. 📆: March 11, 2025 ⏰: 4:30 - 6pm 📍: 1001 W Danforth Rd. For more information, head to We can't wait to meet you! hashtag#ShineYourLight
7 days ago, Arin Smith
teacher job fair
EPS is hiring and we want YOU! 📣 Take the next step in your teaching career at our upcoming Teacher Job Fair! Meet with administrators from all EPS schools and discover where you belong. 📆: March 11, 2025 ⏰: 4:30 - 6pm 📍: 1001 W Danforth Rd. For more information, head to We can't wait to meet you! #ShineYourLight
7 days ago, Arin Smith
Teacher Job Fair
This squad >> 📖🤝 Every Monday afternoon, secondary students join Frontier Elementary to build relationships and strengthen students' reading skills! Led by 2nd grade teachers Laura Scott and Marlena Butler, Reading Squad is impacting EPS one book at a time. 👏 #ShineYourLight
8 days ago, Arin Smith
high school student helping an elementary student read
elementary students and a high school student reading
2 teachers posing
high school student helping an elementary student read
high schooler helping an elementary student on an assignment
high school student helping an elementary student read
elementary girls writing on a paper
teachers helping students
As the dangerous road conditions and extremely low temperatures continue, we are making the decision now that all EPS schools will have a SNOW DAY tomorrow, Thursday, February 20th. We understand the burden that multiple days of remote learning causes for students, families and staff members.Therefore, tomorrow will be a traditional snow day. There are no remote learning expectations for tomorrow and attendance will not be counted. The lost instructional time for Thursday will be made up with the schedule updates that were sent to EPS parents and guardians on Monday. Please continue to stay warm and safe this week!
13 days ago, Arin Smith
thursday february 20, 2025 snow day no remote learning expectations
Because of the dangerous road conditions and extremely low temperatures caused by the winter storm, we are making the decision that we will continue with remote learning tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th, for all EPS schools. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Please stay safe and warm this week!
14 days ago, Arin Smith
remote learning day WEDNESDAY  february 19
Reminder that there will be no school for students on Monday, February 17th. EPS staff members will spend the day in Professional Development sessions. Students, we’ll see you Tuesday morning!
16 days ago, Arin Smith
have a great presidents day no school for professional development feb 17.
Because of continued isolated icy roads in parts of our district as well as slick and dangerous parking lots and sidewalks, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Thursday, February 13th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Based on the current forecasts, we plan to be back to in-person school on Friday.
20 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Thursday Feb 13 remote learning day
Because of the predicted freezing rain creating poor road conditions overnight, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Wednesday, February 12th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Updated to reflect correct date.
21 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
💡 BALTO (Bring A Light To Others) Week is in full swing at North! Students are hosting fundraiser assemblies all week to support HALO Project, building on the incredible work student council has done all year. They kicked things off Monday with a students vs. teachers assembly, and the excitement is just getting started! Check back Friday to see how much Edmond North has raised! #ShineYourLight
21 days ago, Arin Smith
man holding up a 3 while playing basketball
man dunking during a basketball game
2 girls smiling
girls playing basketball
man dribbling
students and teachers playing basketball
man shooting during a basketball game
Each week at Orvis Risner, a handful of 5th graders volunteer their recess time to attend Kindergarten's PE class and play with them. Judging by the smiles on both groups' faces, it's safe to say everyone looks forward to this day. 🤍🏃 #ShineYourLight #Belonging #Collaboration
25 days ago, Arin Smith
2 students high fiving in gym class
5ht graders and kindergartners playing during pe
5ht graders and kindergartners playing during pe
5ht graders and kindergartners playing during pe
student running during pe class
100 days of school, countless memories. ✨ Cross Timbers celebrated in a big way—Pre-K collected 100 boxes of cereal, lined them up like dominoes and watched them fall! Students also got to wear hats, while Mrs. Neely and Mrs. Lausen dressed up as 100 year olds. Best of all, the cereal that was used in their activity will be donated to the Edmond Hope Center. It was a perfect 100 day celebration! 💯🥣 #ShineYourLight
27 days ago, Arin Smith
young students watching cereal boxes fall like dominos
young students watching cereal boxes fall like dominos
young students watching cereal boxes fall like dominos
young students watching cereal boxes fall like dominos
young students watching cereal boxes fall like dominos
young students watching cereal boxes fall like dominos
2 principals dressed up as old women
🧪 AP Chemistry students at Edmond North are diving deep into calorimetry! Using a simple calorimeter made from Styrofoam cups and a temperature probe, they’re collecting data and analyzing it with Graphical Analysis on iPads. AP Chemistry is shining bright! 👏 #ShineYourLight
about 1 month ago, Arin Smith
students wearing goggles participating in a science experiement
students wearing goggles participating in a science experiement
students wearing goggles participating in a science experiement
Because of an increasing number of student and staff absences this week, we have made the difficult decision to close school for all Edmond Public Schools for tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. Extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled.   This decision was made in advance to give our families and staff members time to prepare. We will let you know as soon as possible how this instructional time will be made up.   We look forward to seeing your students back in class on Monday morning.
about 1 month ago, Edmond Public Schools
all schools closed January 31